
Welcome DMFAers + I’m Making a Game!

Missmab’s Ravenous Hordes Descend up Angel Food

There are a lot of you, wow. I went from 200 to 20,000 views in 2 days and it’s not even noon. Ambaaargh’s army is vast.

I’m Making a Game

So this weekend I will be taking part in Ludum Dare, a 48-hour game competition! At 9pm tonight I will find out what the competition theme is, then I have 48 hours to make a game, start to finish, art, code, music and sound. If you want to get live updates of the process (and get news when it’s finished on Sunday) I highly recommend following me on Twitter, or keeping an eye on my Ludum Dare blog.

Unrelated Pink-haired Girl

Website Successfully Migrated!

Well, if you are seeing this post it means the site was moved successfully! Hopefully SiteGround is a better host than bluehost was (thanks Tailsteak for the suggestion!). There are still some domain issues I’m trying to work out, but at least the site is functional! Thanks for your patience!

Website Moving!

I’m planning on changing web hosts Sunday night (July 13), so there may be some downtime. There shouldn’t be any noticeable changes afterwards, except hopefully the site won’t crash as easily when there is a lot of traffic!

Goodbye Digital Inks

So, some of you may notice some changes! From page 49 I started using actual ink pens instead of inking digitally in Paint Tool SAI.

InkedMeannaSo why did I switch? Well, while there are definite things I like about this style (a bit bolder, higher resolution, more varied line weight), I made the switch because inking with real media is faster. One reason it’s faster is because there is no “zoom” tool. When you can zoom in and fix every little flaw in the line art… you do. I was spending way too much time zooming in and adding/fixing details that no one would notice in the digital file or a print. Drawing on a letter-sized sheet of cardstock eliminates that problem. Also, it’s more portable… don’t have to lug a laptop around to do most of the work on the comic.

There is this sense among artists and art lovers that you should always use the tool that will give the results closest to your aesthetic desires. Unfortunately, at this point in my art career, that’s a luxury. Reducing the time it takes to complete a page by an hour or more just by going with a simpler style is really valuable. It’s a matter of balance, of course. If I really wanted to reduce the time it takes to work on a comic, I could just stop doing it, but I have no desire to do that!

When I started this comic, I gave myself permission to experiment. So, let’s see how this experiment goes!